Welcome to US Standard Funds


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions which offer answers and solutions to our most frequently received complaints and enquiries.

A wallet OTP is a 4-Digit OTP that the new wallet owner will be prompted to input during the wallet creation.

AlertZ is ACF transaction notification product that sends details of consummated transactions to customers via SMS and email

Yes. The token comes at a fee of $3,500

It takes 5 minutes for American branches and 10 minutes for up-country branches (branches outside New York).

No, The NUBAN account series is unique and same. The only change is the address of the new branch that will appear on your next cheque book.

You can load your card with cash at any of our branches. Also, funds may be loaded onto the card via an online internet banking portal.

Do you have any questions

Our capabilities: Strong. Deep. Focused on you.

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